The Magic Clover is a project produced by Alessandra P.Bernacchi and directed by Aziza Aba Butain that will be shot in April 2012 and be part of the Stark Film Festival in September 2012. It’s going to be a seven-minute short film and it will be shot on a SONY EX1.
The script, loosely adapted from the book “La Buena Suerte” by A.Rovira and F.Trias de Bes, is written by both Allie and Aziza and aims at communicating one simple message:
Luck does not last long, because it does not depend on you. Good Luck is created by each of us: that’s why it lasts forever.
Allie and Aziza decided to make this a fantasy film and have fun experimenting with visual effects and animation. Anyone interested in this genre and in having a great experience being part of the making of this film should take a look at our crew open positions and submit their request.